- Sign up for a noon One plan to receive this offer.
- The Voucher Code cannot be sold or exchanged for cash.
- Each Voucher Code is valid for a single use per customer.
- You can cancel your OSN+ Plan anytime during the Access Period (The 2-month period from the day you redeem the code) without commitment.
- The value of this offer is 50 AED.
- To benefit from this offer, add valid payment details (Debit/Credit Card) accepted by OSN+ during checkout on the OSN+ Mobile app or website.
- To avoid charges after your Access Period ends, manage or cancel your OSN+ Plan beforehand.
- The Voucher Code cannot be combined with other promotions, offers, or discounts unless stated otherwise.
- You must not have benefited from an OSN+ offer in the past 12 months.
- This offer is available only to customers based in the UAE.
- This offer expires on Dec 31.